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Media releases

Annual General Meeting of Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity

Shareholders attending the Annual General Meeting of Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity (Atel) held in Olten approved all proposals put forward by the…

Motor-Columbus / Atel: Federal Court rejects complaint by AEM

The Swiss Federal Court has not upheld the complaint made by AEM S.p.A against the procedures associated with the takeover offer to the shareholders…

Atel Group Results for Fiscal 2006

Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity (Atel), the energy services provider active across Europe, has closed the financial year 2006 once more with record…

Fiscal Year 2006

For fiscal 2006, the Motor-Columbus Group’s consolidated sales increased 32% to CHF 11,334 million, and net income including minority interest climbed…

Atel übernimmt die Hotz AG in Zürich

Die Atel Installationstechnik-Gruppe (AIT) baut ihre Position in der Sanitär- und Heizungstechnik aus und hat , rückwirkend per 1. Januar 2007, die…

Atel in fiscal 2006

Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity (Atel) has recorded outstanding results for fiscal 2006. The energy group increased consolidated net turnover by 32…

Atel übernimmt Bassi e Scossa SA in Lugano

Die Atel Installationstechnik AG übernimmt rückwirkend auf den 1. Januar 2007 die Firma Bassi e Scossa SA mit Sitz in Lugano. Als einer der führenden…

Switzerland needs two new nuclear power stations

Atel CEO Giovanni Leonardi outlined Atel’s position on Switzerland’s future electricity supply in an interview published in the SonntagsZeitung on 10…

Atel plans gas-fired power station in France

Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity (Atel) intends to build a gas-fired combined cycle power station with capacity of 400 MW in France. Construction is…

Atel subsidiary commissions Czech power station

Kladno GT, an Atel subsidiary, commissioned a new power station in Kladno at the end of November 2006. The 43 MW gas-fired power station is designed…